Journey with the Stars Session

Looking for registration information for the 136th Grand Chapter?  Click here.

GOAL: Increase awareness of Eastern Star in our communities; and Invite friends and neighbors to join our beautiful Order

WATCH WORDS: Friendship, Love, Caring (Carry these whereever you go.)

HONORED STATIONS:   Adah and Chaplain


Red Roses

Army Boots
Shooting Stars

TRAVEL PIN: Army Boots with OES and national flags


“With God’s help we shall do mighty things…”   — Psalms 60:12


“Be completely humble and gentle, be patient with each other, bearing with one another in love.”   — Ephesians 4:2

FLAG SONG:  “Star Spangled Banner”

FUN SONG:   “These Boots are Made for Walking;” and “I’m in the Lord’s Army”

WGM SONGS: “Here I am Lord (Chorus);” “Trust and Obey (first verse);” “He Leadeth Me;” and “O Jesus, I Have Promised”

WGP SONGS: “Rock of Ages;” “How Great Thou Art;” “Battle Hymn of the Republic;” and “Proud to be an American”

FLOWERS: Long-stemmed Red Roses

COLORS:  Red, Black, Silver

PROJECTS:   ACTS, Scholarship, ESTARL, Service Dog Project

SPECIAL PROJECT:  Shriners Hospitals for Children