Service Dogs

Service Dog’s Committee is heading in a different direction in 2024. Sara Weishaar is the Committee Chair this year. The committee of 3 Sisters will be getting together and going over the 3 names submitted to us during Grand Chapter. We will pick one person to work towards getting a specific Service Dog for them. Sara has talked with a woman out of Philip who trains Service Dog’s from puppy to full service. The reason we are thinking about using Animal Psychology Center is because they are closer to the 3 people who we are looking at to help.  

To help with funds, there is now a very first SD Order of Eastern Star Service Dog Calendar!  The 2024 calendar used pictures of our Grand Officers dogs to fill it.  Calendar’s cost $25.00 and after costs everything goes to Service Dog’s. You can contact Sara Weishaar at 605-645-9010 if you would like to buy a 2024 calendar. The committee will be working on 2025 soon, which will be open to any SD OES member!  

Service Dog’s are still collecting money in our DOG JARS that were handed out a couple years ago. Please send any donations to Sandra Vanneman, PGM and make checks to Grand Chapter Service Dogs.  

Want to submit a dog for the 2025 calendar? Here’s the form! (Payments and submissions must be received by June 1, 2024.)

Join the SD OES Service Dog Facebook Group here!