Only men who are Master Masons are eligible and only women with specific Masonic affiliation may be members. These affiliations include:
Affiliate Master Masons in good standing, and any female relatives who are related by birth, marriage, or adoption to Affiliated Master Masons in good standing, or if deceased in good standing at the time of their death; as well as members – either active for three (3) years of majority – of the International Order of Job’s Daughters or of the International Order of the Rainbow for Girls, each of whom having attained at least the age of eighteen (18) years, are eligible to membership in the Order of the Eastern Star.
How to join: To inquire about membership, talk to a current member, or contact a local chapter. To find chapters in your area, contact the Grand Secretary of that state or province. Petitions are carefully read, eligibility investigated and election to membership must be by a vote of the Chapter. The Order strives to select persons of mental, moral, and spiritual quality who will work together in harmony to perform its objectives.
The Most Worthy Grand Matron Billie and the Most Worthy Grand Patron Mike are continuing the Rob Morris Award Program for the 2024-2027 Triennium. Find information about the program here and the application form here.